Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Growing Crops With No Water - Scientific American Article

The Scientific american has a very timely article about growing crops without using irrigation or rain water. These methods used by humans for thousands of years, are now being reintroduced in the USA because of a long drought in several parts of the country. I would think that this would be an ideal solution for many parts of India as well, as much of the country is perennially short of water, and, in other cases, the facilities to trap and use monsoon rains are non existent. Please check out this article and let me know what you think. Acknowledgement: I am grateful to Dr. Mayraj Fahim for this article.


  1. Its a do-able idea...wonder why all those agri universities who sponsor study trips to israel to research drip farming dont try this out on a pilot basis and pass on the tech to the small farmers? Can they be unaware of this technique?

    1. I do hope that our universities, NGOs and the government take interest in this, Ganesh. There are vast stretches of dry land in TN, AP, Gujarat etc that could be revived and cultivated if an effort is made to teach these ancient methods of agriculture. Let's hope for the best - with elections coming up in two years time, hopefully, the government will take notice. :)
