Monday, February 14, 2011

Jairam Ramesh: India Cannot Pollute its Way to Prosperity

As someone who has long watched India's politicians and who has had a particular interest in environmental policy in India, this blogger is continuously encouraged by the current Minister for the Environment, Mr Jairam Ramesh and his practical approach towards the environment in India. The Straits Times quotes the minister as saying that India cannot pollute its way to prosperity - thank you for pointing this out, Minister! These days a lot of specious argument coming from some vested quarters suggests that dirt and prosperity somehow go together. Thank you for opposing their propaganda with facts. As a huge country with a lot of people living in close proximity to each other, India does have terrible problems with environmental pollution especially in its cities. As prosperity spreads to the rural areas, this is a matter of concern across the country. There is a need to ensure that development and progress takes place and that this happens while the environment is preserved and kept clean for enjoyment by everyone. With care, this can be done. Please keep up the good work!

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