Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gujarat Looks Hard at Tidal Power

Gizmag, one of my favorite websites, has this entry about a 50 MW tidal power plant going up off the Gujarat coast in western India. The company building the plant, Atlantis resources Corp, is a British company which has been working on tidal power since 2002. As an old seafaring power, Britain has been at the forefront of tapping the energy available from the sea, both offshore wind and tidal power. Add the old relationship between India and Britain and this looks like a positive beginning for the future. As I have long said, India has an extremely long coastline all along which offshore wind and tidal power could be tapped. Gujarat is just one of the many coastal states. Hopefully, other states that are along the Indian coast will follow this example as well. There is a pressing need for India to generate power - it is perpetually at a deficit as far as power generation is concerned - and what better than to use what it has available in abundance off its own coasts?

Congratulations to the Gujarat State Government for its foresight and to Atlantis Resources Corporation for their pioneering effort in India! May they succeed way beyond their own expectations!

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