Thursday, September 3, 2009

Excellent Opinion Piece in "The Telegraph" on the Indian Middle Class and Emissions

Visitors to this blog are aware of the view here on what emissions mean to India. The simple fact is that if emissions are a lifestyle issue as the Government of India insists, then it must work tor educe them quantitatively, because increasing emissions means that more Indians breathe in the filth generated by their vehicles and powerplants and are forced to drink badly contaminated water as well. "The Telegraph," one of this blog's favorite newspapers, focuses on this view but in significantly more detail at:
Let me reiterate what I have been saying for a long time:

- Emissions mean an unhealthy living environment, and if this is a lifestyle issue, then there is a need to reduce dirt in the water, air and soil in order to make people's lifestyles healthier

- Unhealthy living conditions mean greater expenses when people fall sick, and this means a loss overall compared to living in a clean atmosphere and without any health issues that re related to pollution of any kind

Yes, you could draw several more similar conclusions, but these are the two main ones and the article referenced here describes this extremely well. Hopefully, someone in government in India is listening.

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