Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Reason Why I Started a Second Blog

For some time, now, my old Renewable Energy Blog has attracted both friends and support that I am grateful for. I started that blog in order to look at how to wean people off fossil fuels in as many different ways and in as many different places as possible. I routinely get support from some old friends and from people whom I have not met, but who have been always enthusiastic about supporting my work, and whom I consider friends whom I have not, so far, met. One thing that kept coming up through the year and a half that my old blog has been online has been issues that are of a broader significance than Renewable Energy alone. Let's face the facts - India, the country of my birth, is a mess environmentally speaking. And things are getting worse despite the best efforts of some hard-working, decent activists who have been doing their best to try nad make things better. This blog, again a non-expert one like my Renewable Energy Blog, is as much a tribute to the efforts of these good people as it is an attempt at highlighting both the good and the bad from an environmental standpoint.

There will be a difference here, though. While my older blog is and will continue to be a personal effort, I have invited some friends to participate on this blog along with me. Whenever they accept my invitation, they will be welcome to participate here. If they don't, for some reason, I shall still appreciate their help as I am grateful for at my other blog. I cannot stress enough how much support I have got from dedicated people from India and elsewhere.

Now, let's go and look at making the air, the water and the soil of that great nation of India cleaner. The Indian people deserve this and every little bit helps!

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