Minister for the Environment Jairam Ramesh has thrown in his support for the concerns of the Indian people over Bt Brinjal and imposed a moratorium over its seeds being sold in India by Monsanto. This is a positive step. At the same time the Minister has said that he would like to look at Bt Tomato and other GM vegetables from Monsanto on a case by case basis without a blanket ban on GM foods. There is some concern among activists in India, especially Greenpeace that this leaves the door open to other GM foods coming in in the future. I am personally not all that worried about this for several reasons:
1. Mr Ramesh and other Indian politicians have judged the public mood on GM crops quite astutely. India does elect its politicians and with eight states - including several that were run by the Congress Party - banning Bt Brinjal before the Central Government took a decision on the crop, permitting it would have meant electoral suicide. Granted Mr Ramesh is a Rajya Sabha member and does not have to contest elections, the clear fact is that the career of every politician who opposes a popular view is going to be on the line
2. Considering other GM food crops on a case by case basis is the logical way forward. India cannot afford to block all GM products at one go because of international trade obligations. Singling Monsanto products out for a ban could cause problems if Monsanto get their paid politicians in Washington to raise Cain over this supposedly "Discriminatory treatment" meted out to them. There are no better whiners than paid lobbyists and the politicians who receive their commission. The discrimination door cannot be left for Monsanto to open
3. I have faith in a market response against GM food. every major US store chain offers "Organic Crops" on its shelves. Once the exclusive preserve of upmarket chains like Whole Foods, even mass-market chains like Walmart now offer organic food because the buying public is willing to pay better prices for it. Simply put, organic food tastes better. GM food in the USA has now been mostly diverted to the packaged food sector and to restaurant chains, though there are several popular chains including Chipotle, Panda Buffet etc who only use organic ingredients. My guess is that it is a question of time before more of the chain restaurants jump on this bandwagon. Taste is an important matter and if a big chain like McDonalds were to start offering organic food, they could bring the costs down with their large purchases. The future looks good!
The sensible and measured approach taken by Mr Ramesh needs to be appreciated. While some of the protesters (especially politically motivated farmers) became obstreperous, it could be considered the heat of the issue involved. Monsanto does not, quite, lend its name to calm and peaceful discussion even in the USA. I am sure there is time to breathe a sigh of relief and settle down now, to cheer the very sensible decision that has been arrived at. I do have a regret though - Greenpeace came up with a plan to make the world's biggest Baingan Bharta in protest against Bt Brinjal. I would have loved to eat it had I been able to. Of all things Indian that we expats miss, nothing hurts more than Indian food.